Groupe BTL, Business & Technical Languages - 82 boulevard Haussmann, 75008 Paris

Expression Idiomatique en anglais: Red letter day

Red letter day Meaning: A day of significance.An important occasion, festival or holiday.A birthday, anniversary or a day of remembrance Example sentences: Tomorrow is her red letter day, she always celebrates it with a big party.Sam and Sue like to celebrate their red letter day alone and out vacationing somewhere. This time they have taken their respective parents along too.Next week we celebrate the biggest red letter day in the calendar for us, the independence of our country. Origin: The days of importance were marked in red colour in ancient Rome since the medieval times. Many calendars still prefer ...

Categories: Anglais : ressources|Tags: , , |

Expression idiomatique en anglais: A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

A bird in the hand is Worth two in the bush Meaning: What you already have is more valuable than the prospect to have something greaterIt is better to be content with you have than risk losing it by trying to get something betterIt is better to have something small but certain rather than the mere possibility of a greater one Examples: You may not like your job, but don’t quit merely on the hope of finding a better one. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.I might have got a letter offer if I ...

Categories: Anglais : ressources|Tags: , , |

Expression idiomatique en anglais: Straight from the horse’s mouth

Straight from the horse’s mouth Meaning: From a dependable or reliable source From the highest authority From someone who has personal knowledge From a direct or firsthand source Example : What you heard is true. I know since I heard it straight from the horse’s mouth.I don’t believe it that he’s leaving. I’m going to go to him and hear it straight from the horse’s mouth.Don’t trust what you hear on the grapevine. It’s best to hear it straight from the horse’s mouth so you know it’s true. Origin: The first origin is that a horse’s age can ...

Categories: Anglais : ressources|Tags: , , |

Expression idiomatique en anglais: Haste makes waste

Haste makes waste Meaning: If you do things too quickly, you can make mistakes. Example: Try not to rush through things even though you are in a hurry. After all, haste makes waste. You need to check these files carefully. Do not try to finish them too quickly – remember haste makes waste. I’d rather miss the deadline and submit a good report than rush through it and make one full of errors. After all, haste makes waste. Origin: The idea that haste is counterproductive is an ancient one and can be found int he ...

Categories: Anglais : ressources|Tags: , , |

Expression idiomatique en anglais: Above board

Above board Meaning: Openly; without any trickery. Example sentences: His financial dealings were always above board. It was clear that they had acted above board. Source: Consultez notre rubrique « ressources pédagogiques » pour vous entraîner sans stresser en anglais, espagnol, FLE, portugais, etc. grâce à une multitude de sites internet soigneusement sélectionnés pour leur qualité et fiabilité. Origin: It is sometimes suggested that the board in question is the deck of a ship and that this term comes from the seafaring practice of concealing pirates below decks (below board) in order to lull the crews of victim ships into a false sense of security. The opposite, ‘above board’ was considered to symbolize openness ...

Categories: Anglais : ressources|Tags: , , |

Expression idiomatique en anglais: Cut to the chase

L’expression idiomatique en anglais « Cut to the chase » Definition: Skip the irrelevant parts, and go straight to the main point. Example: “Why don’t you just cut to the chase, and tell me where you hid my phone!” Source: Meaning: Get to the point – leaving out unnecessary preamble. It means that the person is extremely unpopular. It is a trigger for saying that someone has done a deed which has made him infamous in his circle and where people are angry with the said person. Origin: This phrase originated in the US film industry. ...

Categories: Anglais : ressources|Tags: , , |

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